Generate revenues with LVT

Are you looking for some of the best deals on International Premium Rate Numbers ?

If yes, then your search is over as Live VoiceTel is your one stop shop for all your needs on Premium Rate Number business.


Access our winning formula in just 4 easy steps :

  • Contact us

At first, you need to contact us. You can add us on our skype or sent us an email. Also you may drop an enquiry message to us through our website.

  • Request numbers

Consult with us to find which destinations you are interested in. We can also make

efforts to arrange for specific numbers on your demand.

  • Test and Monitor

Test our exclusive International Premium Rate Numbers and monitor your minutes, live

at our dashboard through your reseller account. Likewise you can check your billing

amount and request for the same through our automated billing system.

  • Get Paid

Once you will request your billing, the amount will be transferred to your account

through bank wire.

Don’t miss this opportunity and ping us right now.

Mail us at [email protected]/ [email protected] or reach us at
skype : support.livevoice